Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why do Christians believe in the paranormal?

I am no longer a believer but during the years I was into Christianity, I definitely was told that ghosts, psychic ability, ESP, haunting spirits, and even horror movies were anti-Christian and of the devil.  I couldn't even wear my peace symbol because the church members believed peace symbols to be Satanic, that it signified an inverted cross with broken arms!

Go figure.  Apparently, Satanists had perverted the peace symbol much in the same was as Nazis twisted the Swastika into a symbol of hatred. 

There have been so many paranormal shows lately - and continue to be - with interest in ghosts and haunting stories soaring off the charts, that I have begun to contemplate what doomsayers have prophesied concerning the Last Days.  Not that it makes me believe that the Bible in a totally true guidebook for living (I still feel that it is mostly a work of fiction), but it does cause one to think.

Why all the recent and intense interest in the paranormal?

Are all these people truly being attacked by demons, or is there another reason for all the shows (fame and fortune)?

 I don't believe that these people are being haunted by anything but greed.  Same for the producers of the shows, as well as the paranormal groups that supposedly only want to help free the tortured souls from being attacked by demons, haunted by ghosts, or scared off by poltergeist activity.

I don't care how many Paranormal Activity movies Hollyweird puts out, no matter how many films about demonic possession they make...there's no such thing, no such acts, nothing!  It is all in those people's minds.  

So, why do Christians believe in this junk?  Well, they already believe in angels and angels don't exist.  So why not ghosts, demons, fortune tellers, and all the rest of that crap?  Read your Bible.  Talk to your church leaders.  They will inform you that this type of stuff is from the devil.  I just think it's all baloney, and I'd never fall for any of those lies the paranormal 'experts' spout.  To me, it is true comedy and I can't help but laugh when I watch one of these shows on YouTube. 

People are gullible.  My own mother was watching My Ghost Story and believed every bit of it.  I straight out told her that a Christian would not believe in that junk because it would be considered evil.  She claimed she was going to stop watching the show, but that'll only happen if it's canceled.  

WAKE UP!  Stop supporting these idiotic shows.  Instead, watch some of the educational shows on Animal Planet or the Discovery Channel.  You might learn something useful.   


  1. lmao, educational shows on the discovery channel!

  2. Just because something is evil doesn't mean it isn't real, Ass hat.
