Monday, November 5, 2012

Paranormal Reality & the Spirit World Part 1

Greetings, one and all.  I have created this blog to discount all those 'paranormal' reality shows that permeate  television.  There are no such things as ghosts, spirits, angels, or demons.  There is only energy that we humans either turn into negative energy, or positive.

If you are a person who is mostly negative, any energy that you send out will return back to you in a negative manner.  Likewise for a positive person.  I should know, as my teen years were spent in a shell of almost total negativity.  Ditto for my 20s and early 30s.  It was not until I reached my 40s that I became more positive.  Of course, I still have my negative moments.  However, they aren't as plentiful as they were in years gone by.

Why do certain people tend to get 'attacked' by what they, and those publicity-hungry paranormal groups, call 'evil spirits'?  It is because they live negative lives.  Nearly all the people are contacting what they consider to be the 'spirit realm' (when in reality there is no such place).  Why do people try to contact the spirits of the dead?  It is never for positive reasons.

After my grandmother and my aunt passed away in 1988, my mother and other aunt attempted to contact them via a seance.  They were involved in drugs at the time, and my mother was drinking heavily.  A great deal of negative emotions made the living situation at that time very unhealthy.  I participated in the seance because I wholly believed in the spirit realm then, being much younger and rather naive.  Nothing came of the seance but that did not stop me from delving into the spirit world.  I got into black magick, Voodoo, Wicca, and Satanism.  I became an atheist, then an agnostic, and then an atheist again.  I put spells on people that really worked - mainly due to my strong belief that they would.

Negativity is powerful.  It is just as potent, if not more so, than positive emotions.

I used to hear what I thought was a demon calling my name.  I have not heard this 'demon' since 1990, the last year I dabbled in Satanism.  I bought a Ouija board in 1995 and got into very deeply.  I was convinced that a being was responding to my queries.  My mother, baby sister, and I used the Ouija board to try to hex my sister-in-law, whom my mother did not like because she felt that the woman had tricked my brother into marrying her.  We used my sister's doll to represent my brother's wife, and after the ritual, my mother buried the doll in a weedy lot next to our apartment complex.  Afterward, she claimed strange things started to happen in our townhouse but in hindsight, it was nothing truly out of the ordinary.  A lot of was due to her imagination and probably alcohol-induced - not to mention the drugs she began abusing again.

If you delve more deeply into these so-called cases of hauntings and possession, you will find a shocking amount of mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, emotional and physical abuse, and other negative behavior.

Then there is the fact that these shows: Ghost Adventures, Paranormal State, Ghost Hunters, The Haunted Collector, My Ghost Story, Ghost Lab, The Dead Files, etc, use special effects to trick people.  If you watch certain scenes very closely, you can even spot the fishing line they use to make objects 'move on their own', you can hear the fake EVPs as they record them, and if you watch the eyes/expressions of those that are supposedly under 'spiritual attack', you can tell when they are lying about something.  It is all for attention, fame and fortune.  If those ghost chasers were so serious about 'helping' those under attack, they would not try to get shows on TV.

I will get more into this later.  Check back with this blog often - bookmark it!  I plan to post a podcast soon. Anyone who would like to partner up with me, please feel free to contact me via email with the Subject: I'm a Paranormal Skeptic 2.  Thank you for reading.

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