Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Truth About Witches Part 1

I am not a Wiccan anymore but I seriously get fed up with narrow-minded fools (usually Christians or other religious zealots) who consider Witchcraft 'evil', 'perversive', and 'demonic'.

First of all, Wiccans do not believe in the Devil.  Only Christians (especially), Jews, and Muslims do.  I currently reading a fantastically unbelievable book about a supposed demonic possession, The Day Satan Called by Bill Scott (no relation to Jill).

Typical of Christians, Mr. Scott refers throughout the book to witches and covens and Satanism.  Oh, he does admit that since his experience with the allegedly possessed person, he has learned that there are witches and covens that do not worship Satan but nature.  But the stereotypes persist.

The only people on earth one could confess to worshiping the Devil are Christians.  They spend so much time and effort and though on demons and their master Satan, that I often wonder when they find the time to expend on anything else.

Wiccans are not devil worshipers.  They are not perverts.  They are not freaks.  Wiccans worship nature and the Feminine - and this aspect of Wicca is the main reason they are so prosecuted.  Worshiping a female deity?  WTF...?!?

I will delve into this more fully in Part 2.

Link 1

Link 2

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