Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Haunted Encounters: Face to Face?

The Paranormal Syndicate has got to be one of the lamest paranormal research groups I have ever seen on television.  The quality of this show, or lack of, simply goes to prove the desperation TV producers exude in seeking the latest band of publicity-crazed ghost hunters.

How many shows I have seen where ghost hunters have investigated Eastern State Penitentiary, I can't even recall.  I do remember that the infamous Ghost Hunters was the first show I ever saw that investigated this supposedly haunted former prison.  Nothing happened during their visit there - if it did, they faked it (as usual).  I also know that Ghost Adventures went there, and I think either Paranormal State (the Paranormal Research Society) or Ghost Lab (Everyday Paranormal), but I know some other group with their own show visited that ex-prison.

At any rate, I don't believe that Eastern State is haunted.  I don't believe that any prison, mental institution, or hospital is haunted.  Cemeteries, either.

Watch this show.  It may be canceled by now - and if it's not, it should be - but this episode is worth a look.  Laugh aloud.  These ghost hunting shows are funnier than any sitcom or comedy film.  Grown people getting overly excited over EVPs that they claim are the voices of long-dead spirits...gasping at shadows...cringing at this noise...jumping at that noise.

Renowned psychic Chelsea.  Oh, really?  I have never heard of this woman - I never heard of Chip Coffey either, until I saw him on Paranormal State.  And they guy is simply a gay phony, a fake like all psychics.  If these people had any special powers that were real, one of them would have walked away with James Randi's million dollars by now.

A 'ripple in time'?  'Pandora's Box'?  Give me a freakin' break!  These people need to grow up and find real jobs...!!!

Paranormal Syndicate even has a dog they use for their investigations!  Can you imagine?!?  Come on, folks.  Let's give up on the ghost hunting and concentrate on something that is useful and can help mankind, such as defeating poverty, fighting to eradicate hunger, and bringing technology to the Third World.

But oh no, these ghost hunters are out seeking spirits...not to mention fame and fortune.  If not, they would stay off TV or better yet, go learn something rather than travel around the country visiting 'haunted' places that are just old buildings with maximum 'creep' appeal.

Haunted Encounters is lame.  Truly.  Watch this episode and giggle, but don't bother watching any others, if there are any.  Hell, Finding Big Foot is pretty lame too, but at least there's a chance such a creature could possibly exist.

Eastern State Penitentiary

1 comment:

  1. ICAM.....I saw the episode where this group of clowns went to Eastern Penitentiary. That "ripple in time" is reeeeee-diculous! I can't believe they put this crap on tv. I can't believe there are folks who buy this crap. If nothing else, it's good for a GREAT laugh!
