Friday, December 28, 2012

Voodoo is a religion Part 1

I find it irksome that people readily believe in the 'sky god' of Christianity & Judaism & Islam, yet are much too eager to dismiss Voodoo as 'black magic', 'negative', 'evil', and 'demonic', not a religion at all.  Is this a result of racism, bigotry, because Voodoo's adherents are largely African and Black American?

How come most American Blacks are repulsed by the very idea of Voodoo, a religion that was practiced by our ancestors hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years before the White man came along, helped to enslave us and then forced his own belief system upon us?  What is so despicable about Voodoo, why is it considered 'dark' or 'sinister'?

Stereotypes of Voodoo include the belief that followers use 'Voodoo dolls', are able to turn enemies into 'zombies', and that there must something 'wrong' with the followers of this belief system.  For instance, here is what Pat Robertson, a White supremacist/Christian Majority/Religious Right fanatic, stated about Haiti after the devastating earthquake of a few years ago, which underlines the feeling of many concerning this island nation:

Shortly after the earthquake, televangelist and religious-based bigot, Pat Robertson took the opportunity to do one of the things he does best and boasted his biased and uneducated prejudices concerning the spiritual reasons behind the earthquake. He rudely and ignorantly claimed that Haiti's suffering was due to a pact that was made between its founders and the devil more than 200 years ago, in order to liberate themselves from the French slave owners.
Robertson also called the quake in Haiti a "blessing in disguise."
This raving lunatic not only displays his own ignorance as to what Vodou actually is, but that any religion which is not his own is simply devil worship.
Was a pact between the Haitians and the devil made in order to gain their freedom? Absolutely not. The truth is that Haitian Vodou has nothing to do with the concept of the Christian devil or Satan.
The only pact that WAS made was between the leaders of the revolt and that pact was that they would fight till the death and wouldn't give up no matter what. They agreed that they would rather die than live another day without freedom.
Voudo Roots

What I would like to say to Pat Robertson is: what makes Christianity, with its rituals, magic, supposed miracles, spiritualism, and belief in the Devil, so damned special, what makes it right, what makes its zealot followers The Chosen Few?  Of course, let's forget all the thousands tortured & killed as the early leaders of this religion forced it upon the masses in the Europe of old.

The fact that most of the adherents of Voodoo are dark-skinned people is the main reason it is so despised and looked down at by those who follow the blue-eyed Christ.  Voodoo has ONE GOD just like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.  Its 'saints', borrowed from Roman Catholicism that was forced upon the slaves of Haiti and other Caribbean islands, became the 'loas' of this religion.  It is merely ancestor worship, something all of us are 'guilty' of. 


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